Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

Writing Sprint #1: Some Books Review "Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth", "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry", and "Gintama"

30 minutes writing sprint!

Hey fellas, assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Hereby I would like to take a try to make someone's life (well, myself) better according to some people.

Some thoughts after reading "Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth", "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry", and "Gintama"

Wait, maybe the first book and second book may relate closely to each other as they took place in outer space and have the same 'astro' word contained in their title. What about Gintama?

Just before telling those things, for the disclaimer, I am a not hard anime/manga fans. I selectively choose a little bit popular mangas such as One Piece (I wonder if the author unexpectedly stops his drawing in the middle, like: "I'm bored"), Detective Conan (Does this series still have finish line?), Detective Kindaichi (a new series released, Kindaichi on his 37 year old case solving, poor Hajime), and some webtoons I recommend Lunarbaboon, Saphie, S.I.D. Another disclaimer: I took Goodreads yearly book reading challenge and setting up to 10 books this year. For now, I have read 3 books: Statistics for Dummies, Saat Tuhan Berkata Tunggu, and Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. Seven more books, yeay!

Let's go back to Gintama. Gintama has an absurd yet comedic plot to be happily read on, however, some chapters are heavily dramatic and tear-jerking, and absurd-tear-jerking-crazy in a pack. Surprisingly, Gintama also has an outer space place setting as it begins its plot from the earth in the post-alien invasion. Thus, these three titles had similar connections, that may have or not have greatly reviewed in this full speed writing.

From "Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth", I learnt that a path to become someone capable of specific expertise (like being an astronaut, which I am not intrigued to become one) is not easy. Colonel Hadfield had it very long and strenuous. His failures and struggles were clearly expressed in the writing. Yet, the book made me realize that finding Earth in another point of view (literally) is beautiful. Beautiful not in terms of sight, but being grateful that being either at lowest point or achievement. Some terms "low" or "high" may dissolves as time goes by. Just enjoy them and pray that
everything is going to be okay. Enjoy means still trying our best to finish our task, I believe all side of emotions is mixed into that moment of that mission accomplishment.

The other book:  "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil de Grasse Tyson, is also wonderful. I slipped into rate it to 5 instead of 4, yet until now I have not corrected it. For me, who is very awful in physics, astronomy, and every science related things, astrophysics is (another) rocket science for me. This book did not convince me well to change my major to galactical science or cosmology, but I may take interest in how astrophysics worked on people's perspective. The thing that is most enjoyable for me is the chemical elements forming and footprints from an astronomical object. I do not understand how combustion, explosion, or nuclear reaction worked on these elements creation issue but I still understand about how hydrogen and oxygen worked together to make water. I was also intrigued by the fact that maybe not all elements on Earth originally created on Earth, as well as ourselves are may not be created wholly from our memories and experiences, but also the people and components we are connected with.

The last story? Yes, Gintama. Gintama shows me that in its daily comedic conflicts, there are political issues, tragic past, and dramatic struggles (well, it is a shonen manga, what do you expect?). Nevertheless, my admiration came from how Sorachi-sensei delivered all the amazingness of Gintama. Breaking the fourth wall is just like usual thing in this manga. The universe is well built regarding the people's diverse races. Yes, even the aliens had some unexpectable stories (yes, Hedoro and Prince Baka). The main characters may be tiny little nodes, but they affected the way of the world of Gintama revolves.

Final remarks, those three books tell us about how vast is the universe: The real experience of viewing Earth and riding rockets back and forth (not very easily though); The extension of abstract thinking of brilliant minds towards unknown objects that are separated millions of unmeasurable distance; The fictitious universe of single mind that blows my mind occasionally about how can absurdity become a real issue and can destroy your entire life (yet it has to be rebuilt). A single mind can be a limitless expansion of universes, while a single universe is still expanding to every dimension. Challenges that we face are tiny little bits in this single universe and yet also could fill up our mind down to a bottomless pit. Yet even if that is still perspective matter, neither big-bigger-biggest nor small-smaller-smallest, our challenges need to be solved and they took all of our efforts. Not enough? Be sure to ask friends to help us while still building our capability to overcome the challenges, competently, physically, and mentally.

*23 minutes overtime.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
Wassalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

Materi PSIBO - S1 SI STIKOM Surabaya - Periode 151

Rangkuman materi mata kuliah Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berorientasi Objek S1 Sistem Informasi STIKOM Surabaya Periode 151 (Gasal 2015/2016)

  • Pertemuan 1: Pengantar, Kilas Balik Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 2: Pemodelan Visual (Materi 1, Materi 2) [yang ini comot dari internet]
  • Pertemuan 4: Analisis dan Perancangan Berorientasi Objek, Rational Unified Process, Diagram UML (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 5: Diagram Business Use Case (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 6: Diagram Aktivitas (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 7: Diagram Use Case (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 9: Hubungan dan Aliran Kejadian (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 10: Objek [1] (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 11: Diagram Kolaborasi (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 12: Class-Responsibility-Collaboration dan Diagram Kelas (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 13: Diagram Statechart (pdf)
Buku referensi:

David Tegarden, Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom,”Systems Analysis and Design with UML”, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore.

Silakan kontak saya jika ada tautan di atas yang tidak bekerja dengan baik.
Terima kasih

Materi Data Warehouse - S1 SI STIKOM Surabaya - Periode 151

Rangkuman materi mata kuliah Data Warehouse S1 Sistem Informasi STIKOM Surabaya Periode 151 (Gasal 2015/2016)

  • Pertemuan 1: Pengantar, Urgensi adanya Data Warehouse, Data Operasional - Informasi Strategis, Perbedaan Pembangunan Data Warehouse dengan Perangkat Lunak (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 2: Fitur Data Warehouse, Pendekatan Pembangunan Data Warehouse, Komponen Data Warehouse, Tren dalam Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 3: Perencanaan Pembangunan Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 4: Kebutuhan Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 5: Arsitektur dan Infrastruktur Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 6: Pemodelan Dimensi Data dalam Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 7: Perancangan Logis dan Fisik dari Data Warehouse (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 8: Ekstraksi, Transformasi, dan Loading (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 9: Kualitas Data (pdf)
  • Pertemuan 12: OLAP - Online Analytical Processing (pdf)
Buku referensi:

Paulraj Ponniah, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc – 2001

Silakan kontak saya jika ada tautan di atas yang tidak bekerja dengan baik.
Terima kasih

How to Find A Settlement in Busan? (Student Version)

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hi all! This article is a direct translation from the previous one in French.

I will write another one in Bahasa Indonesia soon!

In this article, I will tell my experience to find a place (room/house) in Busan, South Korea. When I arrived in Busan, I secured a place in the student dormitory. As time goes by, I felt uncomfortable that I cannot cook habitually because there is no kitchen in the dormitory where I lived in (actually there is one, but it only opens on tight schedule, huft). As consequence, I had to buy simple foods at minimarket near the laboratory. However, I cannot stand it any longer, finding halal food is very hard in Korea. In addition, I cannot speak Korean (basic though, not that fancy).

So, to find a nice place to live (room/house), I have to do these things:

  1. Prepare the budget and specification of the room/house that you want to rent well! There are no strict criteria but as long as it can be relaxed or tightened as we wish then it is better. For example:
    • Near/walking distance to the campus or to the subway station
    • It has indoor kitchen or indoor bathroom
    • The deposit should not be higher than 1,500,000 won, the monthly rent should not pass 200,000 won mark
    • Date of moving in
    • and so on
  2. It is more recommendable if you can speak Korean. If you can't, there may be some agents who can speak English as well but as far as I know, their population is very scarce. However, the best choice is to bring a Korean friend or a friend who can speak Korean very well.
  3. Go to budongsan (부동산) near to you or you know. 부동산 is a real estate agent who connects you with the landlord. Normally, we can see an abundance of 부동산 all over the place (especially campus or crowded places).
  4. My 부동산 agent, her fee is expensive (for student) but her recommendations are good!
  5. In the 부동산, talk to the ahjumma/ahjosshi (the 부동산 person) who will discuss our room/house criteria. If he/she has a good idea about rooms/house that match our criteria, he/she will accompany us to see and check the recommended rooms/house. Usually, he/she will drive us to the place if it is too far. But, if it's near, we will see them on foot.
    • Do not worry! We can see other 부동산 also if the rooms/houses that the current 부동산 we see does not match our criteria/feelings.
  6. After checking some rooms, we might already have some preference about our choice. Try to think it thoroughly and fix our choice. Don't think about it too long or the room may already be taken by someone else. Quickly contact the 부동산 agent if the choice has been made up.
  7. PAY ATTENTION! We have to pay the down payment before a meeting with the landlord and the 부동산 agent (부동산 agent will organize it for us and the landlord). Usually, the payment fee amount is equal to monthly rent. The meeting organized by the 부동산 has a purpose to discuss and sign the contract of the rent. Prepare your identity card (Student card or ARC card is a good choice). The contract will have some information about:
    • Our common information: name, phone number
    • Landlord's information: name, bank account, phone number
    • Moving information: Moving in date, contract termination date
  8. After signing the contract, pay the 부동산. Unfortunately, my 부동산's fee is expensive. They cost me around 80,000 won (before that, they told me it was 90,000 won (shocked)).
  9. Probably, the landlord will accompany us to the room/house first to tell us something about the place or give us the key to move some things before the real date of moving in.
  10. Finally, on the date of moving in, bring all our things to the new place! Don't forget to well prepare our monthly expenditure budget nicely!
When I write this article (yesterday actually), PAY ATTENTION to the date when we moving out from our place. Tell the landlord ONE MONTH OR TWO MONTHS before your moving out date! If not, we will have to pay THREE MONTHS MONTHLY RENT AFTER CONTRACT TERMINATION.

Then, I hope this blog can help you to find a new place to live in Busan (or South Korea). Thank you. Sorry, if I write some grammatical mistake or contents mistake. I am very happy to be contacted if there is any update. See ya!

Wassalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

Comment trouvez vous un logement à Busan?

Assalamu alaykoum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Bonjour tous le monde!
(Mais pourquoi j'ecris en français? Simplement pour se souvenir ma compétence, j'espére que ça ne pas perdra)

Je vais vous raconter mes expériences de trouver un logement à Busan, Corée du Sud. Quand je suis arrivé à Busan, je vivais à la residence universitaire. Mais, j'ai difficulté de faire cuisiner parce qu'il n'y a pas de salle de cuisine là-bas. Donc, je dois acheter les alimentations simple à mini-magasin proche du labo. Ce pratique n'est pas bien aussi à cause d'alimentation hallal est trop peu. En plus, je ne peux pas communique en coréen.

Pour trouvez de logement, je dois faire ces maniéres:

  1. Preparer bien votre budget et les spécifications de logement, par exemple
    • Proche du campus ou proche de la gare
    • Il y a de salle du bain et salle de cuisine dans la logement
    • Le déposit n'est pas depasser 1,500,000 won, le mensuel n'est pas depasser 200,000 won
    • et cetera
  2. C'est plus recommandé si vous peux communiquer en coréen, sinon vous pouvez demander un camarade qui est bien compétent pour vous accompagnier
  3. Mon 부동산 agént, son frais est chér, mais elle me donne bonne lieux!
  4. Aller à la budongsan (부동산) proche de vous ou que vous savez. 부동산 est un agént qui connecte vous est la propriétaire du logement. Normalement, vous pouvez regarder 부동산 partout de reglement dans la ville. Ne t'enquiète pas!
  5. Dans le 부동산, parlez à la personne de 부동산 (ahjumma/ahjosshi) qui va discuter sur les logement preférée. S'il/elle a des bonnes idées pour votre logement, il/elle vas aller avec vous à quelques logements pour vérification. D'habitude, il/elle vas conduiter une voiture pour un meilleur voyage si loin. Si le lieu n'est pas très loin, au pied n'est pas problème.
    • Vous pouvez aussi rencontrer d'autre 부동산 pour chércher mieux logement. Encore, ne t'enquiète pas!
  6. Si vous avez logement preferée (bien repondre à votre préférence), contactez l'ahjumma/l'ahjosshi qui vous aide de trouver le logement.
  7. FAIT ATTENTION Vous doit payer un acompte avant la reunion avec de propriétaire du logement (l'ahjumma/l'ahjosshi de 부동산 vas l'organiser). La réunion est pour signer du contrat du logement. Ce contrat a des information de vous, de numéro de téléphone est numéro de compte bancaire de la propriétaire, votre date d'emménagement, et d'autre chose. Normalement, vous devez préparer votre carte d'idéntite (carte d'étudiant est bon, carte d'ARC est bon).
  8. Après signer du contrat, payer votre 부동산. Malheureusement, mon frais de 부동산 est pas cher, ça coutes 80,000 won (premierement, elle me dire 90,000 won 😔 )
  9. Peut-étre, la proprietaire de logement vas vous dire quelques chose de logement ou vous donner la clé du logement, si vous avez besoin des choses avant votre emménagement réele.
  10. Finalement, à la date d'emménagement, apportez votre choses à votre nouveau logement! N'oubliez pas de bien budgetiser votre dépense mensuel.
Quand j'écris ce blog, FAIT ATTENTION si vous allez déménager par votre logement actuélle. Ditez bien à la propriétaire de logement UN ou DEUX MOIS AVANT votre déménagement! Sinon, vous dever payer le frais mensuel pour TROIS MOIS APRES LA DATE DE TERMINATION DU CONTRAT.

Bon, j'espére cet écriture ira bien vous aider si vous allez trouver un nouveau lieu de vivre à Busan (ou Corée du Sud). Merci. Désolé s'il y a d'erreur d'écriture, je suis heureux si vous voulez me contacter! A biéntot!

Wassalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.